Green Oak Florist, Your Local Ridgeland Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Ridgeland

At Green Oak, we guarantee you’ll receive only the highest-quality floral arrangements with every order! Searching for an elegant rose bouquet for your anniversary? A grand arrangement bursting with pink, white, and red blooms for a special event? A sweet bouquet to show your love and appreciation for your mother? Or a thoughtful sympathy arrangement to express your condolences? Whatever the occasion, we ensure you’ll get exactly what you need every time.

Need cheerful birthday flowers for a friend? A romantic rose bouquet for your spouse? Lush green plants for your mother? Or a heartfelt funeral arrangement? Green Oak has precisely what you’re looking for.

Want something unique? Green Oak offers a wide selection of green plants, tropicals, dish gardens, and gift baskets filled with fresh goods. If you’d like something customized, we’re here to help! Talk to our friendly team of floral designers, and we’ll craft the perfect bouquet tailored to your style and needs.

Our flower shop in Ridgeland, MS, is dedicated to providing stunning floral designs and excellent service. With same-day flower delivery in Ridgeland and surrounding areas, our dependable delivery team ensures your flowers arrive exactly when and where you need them.

Ready to place your order? Have questions about our Ridgeland floral products and gifts? Call us at (601) 956-5017 or visit our website at Let Green Oak be your trusted florist in Ridgeland, MS, for all your floral and gift needs!

We're a real brick and mortar florist located in Ridgeland.

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Green Oak
5009 Old Canton Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Leave a Review
Lipi SinghLipi Singh
2 weeks ago
Brody was so helpful! He helped my husband and I pick the perfect plant for our house and was so patient with us while we decided. He even potted the plant for us. Thank you so much!
Russ BarryRuss Barry
3 weeks ago
Beautiful local shop!
Nikki ButlerNikki Butler
last month
This is a fantastic family-owned business that truly goes above and beyond! Their knowledgeable and friendly staff offer top-notch service in everything from landscaping and 'Christmascaping' to interiorscaping, plant rentals, and floristry. Whether you're sprucing up your yard, decorating for the holidays, or renting plants for an event, they have you covered. Highly recommend them for their expertise and personalized touch!
Trina CTrina C
2 months ago
After making several calls to other florist with no answers, I finally tried Green Oak and this nice lady Lisa answered. She was so very friendly and helpful and making my decision for what I needed to have delivered. I appreciate her patience and kindness. I will definitely be keeping this florist in mind for my next floral service. Thank you Green Oak!!
Steven SwogetinskySteven Swogetinsky
2 months ago
Awesome set up and staff!!!!!! Louisa was very friendly !!!!!!!!

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